Friday, February 11, 2011

Beds = Pleasure

Wow I forgot what a good nights rest will do for you. I finally got to sleep in today and oh boy did it make a world of difference. I was kinda in a bad mood yesterday but everything is pretty solid now. I've made it a Friday ritual to wake up at 10:30am and watch last nights episode of 30 Rock then I put a quote on my friend's facebook wall. Corny, I know, but it's what we do haha It was a really funny episode, I highly highly recommend watching the show. Seriously, watch every episode!

All I have today is 5 hours of work then I'm a free man for the weekend. I'm sure a mixture of drinking, friends and making a fool of myself will ensue but I'll have it no other way. I don't have too much homework, finally!, so hopefully it'll be a nice relaxing break which I plan on spending in bed. If only I had my dogs to cuddle with I'd be set!

I also find it funny that the two trending topics on my facebook newsfeed are: Gaga's new song Born This Way and Mubarak's resignation. I mean they're both crazy but still...haha


1 comment:

  1. Sleep = pleasure
    Bed + Sleep = comfortable pleasure
    Sex + Bed + Sleep = pleasurable night

    Either way you look at it sleep does equate to pleasure.

